Visit to South Korea
Two of our employees - Jiří Kropáček and Jiří Novák, as part of a delegation of nine experts and representatives of Czech companies, I&C Energo, TES Vsetín, INFER and ŠKODA JS, took part in a five-day visit to South Korea.
They travelled to the country at the invitation of KHNP, one of the bidders for the construction of nuclear power units in the Czech Republic, and KEPCO KPS, a company responsible, among other things, for the maintenance of Korean nuclear power plants.
They visited the KHNP Saeul Nuclear Power Plant (1400 MW unit in operation and another unit under construction), the KEPCO KPS Maintenance Engineering (Development) Centre, the Maintenance Training Centre and the Nuclear Training Institute.
The visit was organized as part of the KHNP localization programme launched earlier this year. Through it, the Korean company seeks to cooperate and share knowledge with existing and potential customers of Korean nuclear technology.