Steam generator safety valves with optimized flow space shape at the Dukovany NPP
I&C Energo concluded a contract with L D M, spol. s r. o. for sub-delivery within the project " Steam generator safety valves with optimized flow space shape" in the Dukovany NPP. The purpose of the work is to replace the original safety valve (PV) bodies of the steam generator type SiZ 1508, DN150 x 250, seat with a diameter of 93 mm, for safety valves with optimized flow space shape, ensuring increased capacity of the steam generator necessary to increase the power of the reactor unit up to 107 %, including the use of technology of welding sealing seating surface on the seat and plug, guaranteeing a service life of 30 years.
The sub-delivery consists in processing project and other documentation, execution of assembly and disassembly work on the steam generator, welding works and other related activities.
The contract will be implemented in fourteen sub-units and its completion is planned for May 2023.