Reconstruction of the stable CO2 fire extinguishing system at the Temelín NPP

I&C Energo has signed a contract for the public contract "Reconstruction of the stable CO2 fire extinguishing system in SO500 and SO529 (Structures 500 and 529)".
The subject of the work is the modernization of the existing stable fire extinguishing system with CO2 gaseous extinguishing agent and includes the complete replacement of the engine rooms of the stable CO2 extinguishing system and piping in structures (SO) 500/01,02 and 529/01.
The upgrade of the existing systems will ensure the long-term safe and reliable performance of all their functions, which are mainly to increase the reliability, safety and efficiency of the fire extinguishing system, as well as the protection of people, technology and property in the event of a fire.
During the years 2025 to 2027, the stable CO2 extinguishing system will be replaced with an inert gas fire extinguishing system. This replacement will consist of the execution of all supplies, works and services, including the execution of induced modifications, the preparation of complete documentation and the testing of the required parameters.