Implementation of new technical requirements of the new Atomic Act into the system of physical protection at the Dukovany NPP

I&C Energo a.s. has won a significant share in the realization of the project "Implementation of new technical requirements of the new Atomic Act into the system of physical protection at the Dukovany NPP". The purpose of the work is, in particular, to ensure the fulfillment of new technical requirements of Act No. 263/2016 Coll. (hereinafter referred to as the new Atomic Act) and other revitalization of the technical system of physical protection at the Dukovany nuclear power plant. The work must enable safe and reliable operation of the technical system of physical protection of the Dukovany NPP affected by the implementation, including an approved plan for the physical protection of the nuclear installation pursuant to the Atomic Act.
Within this contract we will provide heavy-current and light-current wiring, complete supply and laying of cabling, supply and installation of the new cable routes and reconstruction of power distribution cabinets, all for structures and other technological sub-systems, the so-called "non-classified part” of the work related to power supply of the physical protection means at the Dukovany NPP.