European Spallation Source ERIC
The European Spallation Source ERIC (ESS) - currently under construction, is a multidisciplinary research facility near the city of Lund, Sweden. Construction of the facility started in summer 2014 and the first scientific results are planned for 2023.
During the operation, ESS will use nuclear spallation, a process in which neutrons are released from heavy elements by high-energy protons. This device was an example of a "long pulse" (millisecond) source.
Thirteen European Member States are partners in the construction and operation of the ESS. The Czech Republic, under the auspices of the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS), is participating in this project by supplying air handling and filtration equipment (HVAC).
I&C Energo a.s. ensured the processing of project and implementation documentation for the supply of the electrical and control systems and water circuits. Last but not least, it participated in the physical commissioning of the above-mentioned systems, including their subsequent adjustment.