Change of Board of Directors

With the effect from 31.7.2018 was the members of the Board of Directors I&C Energo change. Chairman of the Supervisory board was choose Mgr. Ing. Jiří Nováček, the members of the Board of Directors are Ing. Radim Kotlář and Ing. Jan Honek.
The sole shareholder of I&C Energo is still without changes PI 1 a.s. with registred office Ovocný trh 572/11, Staré Město, 110 00 Praha 1.
With effect from 31.7.2018 occured at the company PI 1 a.s., to change the sole shareholder, which has become EP Industries a.s., with registred office Pařížská 130/26, Josefov, 110 00 Praha 1.