After the outage of the Ledvice power plant production unit, I&C Energo a.s. implemented several orders related to modifications of non-unit facilities. more
I&C Energo a.s. at TECHDAYS 2019
The 4th year of TECHDAYS, held by the District Economic Commission in Litoměřice, took place at the Zahrada Čech exhibition grounds in Litoměřice. The motto of the event was: “We are not indifferent to the future of our children”. more
By loading the sanitary container, we started delivering equipment for the service load distribution boards in the South Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant. more
In the planned outage of the Temelín NPP Unit 2, we carried out a complete upgrade of 2HP08 hydrogen unit panel within the project “E077 – improvement of 1(2)HP08 gas panel” more
I&C Energo has signed a contract for the replacement of five outgoing DN1200 double-sided gland expansion joints on the hot water pipeline manifold, on its seventh and eighth sections near the municipalities of Chlumín - Obříství and Kojetice. more
During the current outage, I&C Energo a.s. is implementing several orders related to modifications to Unit 6 equipment at the Ledvice Power Plant. more
I&C Energo a.s. and Mondi Štětí, a.s. have entered into a contract to realize the project "Renovation of LV distribution boards of chemical water treatment" in the premises of Mondi Štětí a.s. more
These days our company and Mondi Štětí, a.s. have entered into a contract to realize the project "Reconstruction of the distribution board in 3NZ HV substation" in the premises of Mondi Štětí a.s. more
I&C Energo and ČEZ, a.s. have entered into a contract for a tender “The use of the cooling surface area of the tower designed for the ESW to cool the CCW”. more
At the beginning of 2019, our company and ÚJV Řež, a.s. concluded a contract for the implementation of the project “Repair of cable routes”. more
At the beginning of 2019, our company and Průmstav Štětí, a.s. concluded a contract for the implementation of the project “ECOFLEX - CAUSTIFICATION - stages I + II lighting” on the premises of Mondi Štětí a.s. more
At the end of the last year, our company and the NPI Řež, a.s. entered into a contract to realize the project "Modification of LDS Ts 423 - New source for the NPI structure 231" on the premises of the Research Institute of the NPI Řež a.s. more
Last year, our company and Mondi Štětí, a.s. entered into a contract to realize the project "Reconstruction of distribution boards in C202 KAMYR HV substation" on the premises of Mondi Štětí a.s. more
Based on winning the tender, we are implementing the project “4650 - Measuring electricity production and own consumption at the Dukovany NPP”. more
I&C Energo a.s. has won a significant share in the realization of the project "Implementation of new technical requirements of the new Atomic Act into the system of physical protection at the Dukovany NPP". more
I&C Energo a.s. is implementing the complete electrical part of "7385 - Reconstruction of the power supply of the technical system of physical protection" at the Dukovany NPP for ČEZ Energoservis, s.r.o. Within this operation, changes to the power supply of the technical system of physical protection are made. more
I&C Energo a.s. and ČEZ, a.s. have concluded a contract for the project 6663 public tender - Extension of the operational camera system at the Dukovany NPP. The subject of the work is procession of the documentation and the subsequent implementation in the form of turnkey delivery. more
On the basis of winning a tender with a limited number of participants, we are implementing project "7157 - Replacement of the actuators of direct current drives of the run-down oil pump and the emergency shaft seal pumps" at the Dukovany NPP. more
I&C Energo succeeded in a tender for the public contract for the implementation of the project called "Reconstruction of the ESW pipeline, replacement of valves and hoses for the primary circuit air-conditioning units ". more
Support to Vrátka in Třebíč
I&C Energo has supported the Social Car project for Vrátka in Třebíč. This project is being implemented by the Kompakt company from Poděbrady throughout the Czech Republic. more
I&C Energo has won a public contract for the implementation of “F605 - Upgrading protective equipment”. more
I&C Energo a.s. awarded
Awards for I&C Energo a.s. for long-term cooperation with Pantek (CS) s.r.o. more
We have concluded a contract for a tender called "Improvement of the 1HP08 and 2HP08 gas panels at the Temelín NPP". more
Implementation of the new nuclear law technical requirements in the Temelín NPP physical protection
In a consortium with the building company Betvar a.s. we have won a contract for making technical changes in the technical systems following and cooperating with the system of physical protection of the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant. more
We have entered into a contract for work on a tender for the replacement of selected pipeline routes and components of the ESW (essential service water) system in the Temelín NPP. more
In the negotiated procedure with publication we have won a tender whose subject is the replacement of the two current 1(2) AQ-QM1 generator switches by new ones, including the processing of implementation and other technical documentation. more
Change of Board of Directors
With the effect from 31.7.2018 was the members of the Board of Directors I&C Energo change. more
Collaboration with Korean volunteers
From 7 to 16 August, our company had the opportunity to participate in a Korean student volunteer programme supported by the Korean company KHNP (Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power). It is tendering for a contract on building a new nuclear unit at the Dukovany NPP and it is interested in establishing a close cooperation with the region. more
Within the framework "Exchanging the 2nd and the 4th steam superheaters including the chambers of the K1 to K6 boilers", I&C Energo has been selected for the implementation of machine dismantling and installation on the K3 and K4 boilers. The work will be implemented in two stages during 2018 and 2019. more
Společnost I&C Energo podepsala smlouvu na výměnu dosluhujících 9 ks jednostranných ucpávkových kompenzátorů DN1200 v BS 1014, I&C Energo has signed a contract for the replacement of 9 DN1200 single gland expansion joints in the points of stationing 1014, 1019, 1021, 1030 and 1034 of the hot water pipeline manifold at Mělník power plant – Třeboratice heating plant, on its tenth section near Měšice and Hovorčovice. more