Integrated Management System
Integrated Management System
The integrated management system of I&C Energo is created and constantly developed in accordance with the requirements of internationally accepted standards and the requirements of the relevant interested parties of the Company. The integrated management system of the company is monitored, assessed and improved internally on a continuous basis with a view to achieving the sustainable development of the company. It is also audited regularly by our important customers, in particular by: ČEZ, a.s., ŠKODA JS a.s., Slovenské elektrárne, a.s., Energoatom Ukraine and other independent certification organizations.
Quality Management System and Process Control
I&C Energo a.s. holds ISO 9001:2016 certification in accordance with ČSN (Czech technical standard) EN. The last recertification audit was performed in January 2020 by BUREAU VERITAS CERTIFICATION CZ, s.r.o. The Quality Management System was certified in 1999. The system is based on legislative requirements and respects the needs of customers and all the relevant interested parties.
The quality of the applied integrated management system in I&C Energo a.s. is demonstrated to the customers via key processes of the company’s management system which it provides to its product groups: Capital projects, Optimization of power plant operations and engineering, Services (nuclear, industrial).
Based on the company’s strategic decisions, the system is built, maintained, and improved to keep pace with changes in the company’s needs, objectives, products, process definitions, and organization structure. Design, production and delivery of equipment for boron concentration measurement and other special instrumentation are an integral part of the key processes.
Special processes, in particular welding, are under constant supervision within the framework of certification by the Czech Welding Institute and our customers are guaranteed compliance with the requirements of the European harmonized technical standard ČSN EN ISO 3834–2:2006 and also for the welding of class 2 thermoplastics.
A system for the management of structural steel parts, components, assemblies and structures up to class EXC4 pursuant to the European standard EN 1090+2+A1 is established and the system is regularly reviewed by the Technical and Test Institute for Construction Prague.
The requirements of the Atomic Act No. 263/2016 Coll. Are implemented for the nuclear field in the Czech Republic.
Protection of the Environment – Environmental Management System
Protection of the environment is a necessity and a key I&C Energo priority. This is demonstrated by thorough compliance with the requirements of our Environmental Management System (EMS), which is certified by the certification authority BUREAU VERITAS CERTIFICATION CZ, s.r.o. to comply with ČSN EN ISO 14001:2016. In 2006, the EMS was integrated with the Quality Management System.
The environmental policy of I&C Energo a.s. is set forth in the Quality and Environmental Policy, which declares I&C Energo ’s fundamental pledges relating to the environment, including:
- Consideration for the environment. All Company activities are carried out with consideration for the environment and sustainable development and are continuously subjected to review to determine and minimize their environmental impacts.
- Compliance with all applicable environmental protection regulations, statutory and otherwise.
- Actively influencing employees and business partners.
The company encourages its employees to be more aware of their responsibility for the state of the environment and creates conditions that encourage environmentally friendly behaviour; it also mandates this approach from its suppliers.
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) – OSH Management System
An integral part of the integrated management system is occupational safety and health management, which contributes to the fulfillment of legislative and other requirements, minimizes the risk of damage to employee health, and improves work conditions. In 2009, the OSH management system was successfully certified for compliance with the ČSN OHSAS 18001 standard by the certification authority BUREAU VERITAS CZECH REPUBLIC, s.r.o. and became a part of the integrated management system. In January 2020, the safety and health management system was recertified in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ČSN ISO 45001.
The OSH Policy is linked with the other quality policies and declares the company’s fundamental pledges in relation to occupational safety and health. These pledges are:
- To give safety and health equal priority with economic, operational, and other concerns.
- All company activities are carried out with regard to protecting human health (employees and the general public), as well as protecting the environment and property, and are subject to continual review to determine and minimize the impacts on employee and public health.
- To respect statutory and other applicable OSH regulations.
- To develop awareness on the part of employees and suppliers of the need to protect their own health and to cooperate with us in continually improving the level of OSH.
Information security management system
The Information Security Management System according to the requirements of ČSN EN ISO/IEC 27001: 2014 became an integral part of the integrated management system in 2016. The Information Security Policy is announced, the goals and principles of information security are set.
The information security management system was implemented and certified for design and engineering activities, comprehensive implementation, maintenance and servicing of technical protection systems and electric fire alarm systems, including the databases modifications, by the certification authority BUREAU VERITAS CERTIFICATION CZ, s r.o .